Thursday, June 16, 2011

muka rentung -_-"

huhu tak sempat nak letak gambar yang pergi SUKBEL hari tu~
apa2 pom SUKBEL 2011 memang best lahhh!

duty as one of secretariat team make me feel soo lazy,,,
i m prefer to be with the participants,,enjoy the camp,,do the activities,,,being crazy with friends,,,hmm i wanna have fun~!

before this,,,i participated SUKBEL camp as a participant,,n this is the 1st time i went there to do my duties,,n it was not very enjoyable,,hum hum

why??because i have to do such the boring things~
-stay in the secretariat place
-sit in front of the computer
-squeeze my brain to make a report
-distribute the SUARA SUKBEL BULETIN to all people in the camp
-taking pictures around the camp (oh actually i love this one)
HEY! it was a camping n i wanna do the camping activities!

but it is ok laaa,,,because i can meet many people,,follow the international participants to go out for their program at kb,,merewang tak tentu pasal kat camp site,,,huhu
kalau jadi peserta maybe tak boleh nak buat semua ni sebab kena follow activities mengikut jadual kan,,

kerja sebagai ajk publisiti n media ni tak banyak pom,,just ambik gambar then submit sebelum pukul 5,,,pukul 5 tu start bizi sebab kena buat report untuk Suara Sukbel n kena antar kedai or ofis Sinar Harian sebelum pukul 8,,esoknya edarkan risalah or akhbar tu,,,tapi sebab team kitorang ramai,,kadang2 macam tak ada kerja nak buat,,,hmm~~ -_-"

laen kali lahhh upload gambar ye,,,gtg!

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